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Tiny Water District Jumps Online and into the future!

Hallowell Water District Enables Their GIS
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Hallowell, Maine: Hallowell Water District recently joined the ranks of location enabled utilities. Zach Lovely, water district superintendent, says that ArcGIS Online has made him more efficient and effective keeping him onsite rather than running to the office to find a map. Earlier this year, Mr. Lovely enlisted the services of Honey Badger Analytics LLC to compile, combine, update, clean, and take his water district data online.

In doing so, his data migrated from desktop ArcMap 10.3 to ArcPro and ArcGIS online. Zach stated in an email: “The largest benefit has been that I do not have to go back to the shop, I can just pull it up on my iPhone.”

When asked if there were any unforeseen benefits: “Within the first month of having the ESRI ArcPro and ArcGIS Online up and running, the District had a large water main break. Without having to go back to the office I was able to see the multiple valves I needed to shut off. This was the first time the update from desktop to online really showed that we made the right move.”

Another great instance Zach mentioned was during a multi-town fire response in Hallowell. Zach was able to direct different fire companies where to connect to prevent system damage, all while on scene with his iPhone.

The reason Zach saw this as a step forward for his organization came from his experience of being the new superintendent, brand new to the district. How can a new person know what the previous superintendent knew through experience? Putting Hallowell’s data online, in an easy to access system, ensures that Zach can pass the torch when the time comes. In doing so Zach has taken the much-needed steps to future-proof Hallowell Water District data.

Do you want to Jump in to the future?

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New England Office: 207-509-2923 | Midwest Office: 651-433-7199
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